Health Care
Paragon Health Institute Releases Proposals to Lower Health Care Costs
The Paragon Health Institute recently released a report highlighting 12 options to decrease federal health care spending. The report, titled “Turning...
Analysis of the 2023 Medicare Trustees' Report
The Trustees for the Social Security and Medicare programs have released their annual reports for 2023, updating the financial state of the programs’...
Social Security and Medicare Trustees Release 2023 Reports
The Social Security and Medicare Trustees just released their annual reports on the financial status of the Social Security and Medicare programs over...
Time is Running Out to Save Social Security and Medicare
Today, the Social Security and Medicare Trustees released their annual reports on the state of the trust funds. The Trustees project that Medicare’s...
CRFB Welcomes Plan to Put Medicare Solvency On the Table
Today, President Biden previewed a new plan to improve the solvency of the Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund. The plan would increase the...
Good Management of Medicare Advantage is Not a “Cut” to Medicare
Although politicians often speak of wanting to target “waste, fraud, and abuse” in government programs, there is currently an effort to prevent the...
Moving to Site Neutrality in Commercial Insurance Payments
Hospital care is the largest single source of expenditures within the health care system, driven in large part by high prices. One factor behind those...
Site-Neutral Payments Would Lower Private Health Costs, Encourage Competition
The Health Savers Initiative recently published “ Moving to Site Neutrality in Commercial Insurance Payments,” which examines the market...
BCBSA Offers Options to Reduce Health Care Costs
Recently, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) released a plan to lower health care costs that focuses primarily on reducing the high prices...
Tax Policy Center Estimates Medicare Revenue Proposals
The Tax Policy Center (TPC) recently published a report on “ Options for Increasing Medicare Revenues.” This report identifies 12 options to increase...
White House Should Stop Demagoguing Social Security and Medicare
White House spokesperson Andrew Bates today described commissions to save the Social Security and Medicare programs from insolvency as a “death panel...
CBO's Budget Options to Improve Trust Fund Solvency
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently published its latest Options for Reducing the Deficit reports, outlining 76 policy options across two...