Health Care
The Federal Tax Benefits for Nonprofit Hospitals
More than half of the nation’s hospitals are designated as “charitable” nonprofit institutions by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), exempting them...
CMS Finalizes Medicaid Rule Likely to Increase Spending
In a rule finalized at the end of April, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced significant changes to financing and...
Maya MacGuineas: The grim future for Medicare and Social Security
Maya MacGuineas is president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and head of the Campaign to Fix the Debt. She recently wrote an opinion...
Event Recap: The Trustees' Reports on the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds
On May 7, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget hosted a virtual event to discuss the status of the Medicare and Social Security Trust Funds...
Analysis of the 2024 Medicare Trustees' Report
The Social Security and Medicare Trustees released their annual reports detailing the current and future financial status of the trust funds. Our...
Social Security and Medicare Trustees Confirm Trust Funds Need Saving
The Trustees for Social Security and Medicare released their annual report on the status of the trust funds today. The Trustees project the Medicare...
Social Security and Medicare Trustees Release 2024 Reports
The Social Security and Medicare Trustees just released their annual reports on the financial status of the Social Security and Medicare programs. The...
Health Care Proposals in the President’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
For more about these proposals, listen to Josh Gordon , CRFB’s Director of Health Policy, on the podcast: Facing the Future . The President's Fiscal...
New RECA Bill Would Worsen the Debt
The Senate is expected to vote this week on a bill ( S.3853) to dramatically expand the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) created to...
Employer Plans in Medicare Advantage: A Flaw in the Quality Bonus System
Employer Group Waiver Plans (EGWPs) are a popular option for unions and employers to provide former workers with retiree health insurance in place of...
Measuring the Savings from Preventative Health Care
This month, the House Budget Committee passed a bill that would direct the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to evaluate the long-term budget impacts...
Supplemental Payments Drive Up Federal Medicaid Costs
This paper is part of a series on Medicaid financing. Other papers in the series discuss an overview of state financing schemes and provider taxes...