Health Care
Analysis of the 2021 Medicare Trustees' Report
The Social Security and Medicare Trustees released their annual reports on the long-term financial state of those programs. The reports are the first...
Trustees Show Limited Time to Save Social Security and Medicare
Today, the Social Security and Medicare Trustees released their annual reports on the state of the trust funds. The Trustees find that Medicare’s...
Trustees: Social Security & Medicare Approaching Insolvency
The Social Security (our analysis here) and Medicare (our analysis here) Trustees just released their annual reports for 2021 on the financial status...
Representative Suozzi Introduces the WISH Act
Representative Thomas Suozzi (D-NY) recently introduced the WISH Act, which aims to provide catastrophic long-term care insurance for older Americans...
Trust Fund Solutions Would Be Pro-Growth
In our recent paper “ The Case for Trust Fund Solutions,” we showed that making the Social Security, Medicare, and highway trust funds solvent would...
Injecting Price Competition into Medicare Part B Drugs
Medicare Part B, which covers outpatient physician services, pays for physician-administered drugs by reimbursing physicians the average cost for each...
Limiting Evergreening for Name-Brand Prescription Drugs
To encourage medical innovation, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) grants temporary market exclusivities to new brand name drugs. These...
Two Ways to Reduce Prescription Drug Costs
High and rising prescription drug costs are contributing to the budgetary pressure faced by the federal government. Also, a significant number of...
Can Medicare Advantage Reforms Save the Trust Fund?
We estimate costs will exceed dedicated revenue by about $505 billion over the next decade, leaving a $360 billion solvency gap after accounting for...
Bipartisan Policy Center Highlights Need for Medicare Trust Fund Solutions
With just five years until the Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund faces insolvency, lawmakers must address the trust fund's $515 billion net...
How Much Would the President's Budget Extend Medicare Solvency?
The Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund is only five years from insolvency according to both the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the...
Reducing Private Health Care Costs
Erica Socker and Mark Miller of Arnold Ventures last week penned a blog post in Health Affairs on the need to contain the costs of employer-provided...