Treasury Shows Record Borrowing
The Department of Treasury released its final Monthly Treasury Statement for fiscal year 2020, showing deficits totaled a record $3.1 trillion and...
Mike Murphy and Steve Richardson: Our bitter polarization won’t end with the election
Mike Murphy is t he director of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget's FixUS initiative. He recently wrote an opinion piece with FixUS...
Update: COVID-Related State & Local Aid Will Total $280 Billion
Our update to COVID Money Tracker this week incorporated new Medicaid estimates from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). These new Medicaid...
Congressional Caucus Rules Can Promote Better Budgeting
The rules establishing each party’s self-governance within Congress can affect federal budget practices. Changing them could improve the climate for...
Maya MacGuineas Joins CNBC to Discuss COVID Relief and Presidential Campaign Plans
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget President Maya MacGuineas recently appeared on CNBC. She joined the show to discuss the negotiations over...
The National Debt is Now Larger than the Economy
For Immediate Release The Congressional Budget Office published its September monthly budget review today, which estimates deficits totaled a record...
The Cost of the Trump and Biden Campaign Plans
Whoever is inaugurated on January 20, 2021, will face many fiscal challenges over his term. Under current law, trillion-dollar annual budget deficits...
Comparing Fiscal Multipliers
The United States is currently facing one of its worst economic and public health crises as a result of COVID-19. Though substantial COVID relief has...
Maya MacGuineas: The debt is huge because Trump kept his promises
Maya MacGuineas is president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and head of the Campaign to Fix the Debt. She recently wrote an opinion...
Presidential Candidates Ought to Share Their Plans for the Debt
For Immediate Release The first of three presidential debates will take place tonight, with much of the focus on near-term issues such as the COVID-19...
Analysis of CBO's 2020 Long-Term Budget Outlook
Today, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its 2020 Long-Term Budget Outlook, which shows the federal budget is on an unsustainable long...
CBO Releases 2020 Long-Term Budget Outlook
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) just released its 2020 Long-Term Budget Outlook, showing the federal budget is on an unsustainable long-term...