CBO Estimates $710 Billion Deficit for First Three Months of Fiscal Year 2025
The United States borrowed $710 billion in the first three months of Fiscal Year (FY) 2025, including $85 billion in the month of December, according...
Deficit Totaled $2.0 Trillion in Calendar Year 2024
The federal budget deficit totaled $2.0 trillion for calendar year 2024, an increase of roughly $200 billion from the Fiscal Year 2024 deficit and...
Putting Numbers to TCJA Dynamic Feedback Estimates
As we have pointed out before, extending the various individual and estate tax provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) beyond their scheduled...
Upcoming Congressional Fiscal Policy Deadlines
Updated 1/9/2024: The President signed a continuing resolution on December 21, 2024, that runs through March 14, 2025. Lawmakers will need to pass...
Weakening the SALT Cap Would be a Costly Mistake
According to press reports, policymakers are considering changes to the $10,000 state and local tax (SALT) deduction cap as part of their efforts to...
Budget Offsets Bank
With the national debt on course to exceed its record as a share of the economy in the next two years, interest payments on the debt surging, and
Budget Resolution Should Provide a Plan for Realistic Debt Reduction
Lawmakers intend to pursue budget reconciliation legislation in the coming months, which requires passage of a concurrent budget resolution that...
CBO’s “Other Mandatory” Savings Options
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently released its Options for Reducing the Deficit, outlining 76 policy options to reduce the deficit. Most...
Maya MacGuineas on Bloomberg TV's "Balance of Power"
Committee president Maya MacGuineas recently appeared on Bloomberg's "Balance of Power" to discuss President-elect Trump's comments on the debt...
Debt Ceiling Q&A
After being suspended by the Fiscal Responsibility Act in 2023, the federal debt ceiling was restored on January 2 and set to the outstanding debt...
Chris Towner: It’s Time To Get Serious About The Federal Budget Deficit
Chris Towner is the policy director for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. He recently wrote an opinion piece for the Carolina Journal...
Top 13 Fiscal Charts of 2024
It was a busy year for fiscal policy in 2024, with a big focus on the presidential election. In addition to releasing a few major papers, we also...