Clinton's College Affordability Proposal, Explained
One of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's first major policy proposals focused on college affordability. Called the " New College...
Funding Challenges Continue For Pension Insurer
A recent Wall Street Journal article highlighted the shortfalls facing the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), which guarantees defined...
Governor Bobby Jindal Releases Tax Reform Plan
Republican presidential candidate Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal announced his tax reform plan with a centerpiece that promises to ensure every...
Medicare Premiums Take Center Stage
Adding to the list of things lawmakers want to get done before the end of the year, Congress may take up a relatively obscure Medicare issue that...
No, Acting Quickly on Medicare Premiums Doesn't Reduce The Cost
Lawmakers may be taking action to prevent a steep premium and deductible hike for some Medicare beneficiaries next year, but should make sure to be...
Is the Social Security Shortfall Bigger than We Thought?
Last week, the Technical Panel to the Social Security Advisory Board issued a report on the assumptions and methods used by the Social Security...
Millennials to Receive $2 Million in Social Security & Medicare Benefits
The Urban Institute published a new report showing that younger generations will receive much more in lifetime Social Security and Medicare benefits...
House Reconciliation Runs Afoul of Byrd Rule
Update: CBO has released scores of the three reconciliation bills showing net ten-year savings of $57 billion but a deficit increase of $1 billion in...
MY VIEW: Judd Gregg October 2015
Judd Gregg, a former Republican senator from New Hampshire, served as chairman of the Senate Budget Committee from 2005 to 2007 and ranking member...
101 Economists to Congress: Keep the Cadillac Tax
In light of the recent reconciliation package that repeals the Cadillac tax on high-cost health insurance plans and Democratic Presidential candidate...
Debt Limit Coming Nov. 5 - Time for Reform?
Yesterday evening, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew indicated that the extraordinary measures Treasury is using to avoid breaching the debt limit will run...