Social Security
Ways and Means Subcommittee Examines Changes to the SSDI Appeals Process
The House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security held a hearing on July 25 regarding changes to the adjudication process for the Social...
CBO Projects Social Security Will Run Out of Funds in 13 Years
As we've warned many times before, Social Security is rapidly headed toward insolvency. Recent projections from CBO's Long-Term Budget Outlook suggest...
Design Your Own Social Security Plan
Social Security provides income security to millions of beneficiaries, but is on a road toward insolvency. The latest official projections show its...
Marc Goldwein: As Demagogues Squawk, Clock is Ticking on Social Security
Marc Goldwein is the Senior Vice President and Senior Policy Director for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. He recently wrote an opinion...
WATCH: What's Next for Social Security?
The Social Security Trustees released their latest projections and findings this week on the financial state of the program. On Friday, June 8, the...
Mitch Daniels: That Entitlements Can is Getting Heavier, and We’re Running Out of Road
Mitch Daniels is the president of Purdue University, a former governor of Indiana, a former director of the Office of Management and Budget, and a co...
A Quick Take on the 2018 Social Security and Medicare Trustees Reports
The Social Security and Medicare Trustees have released their reports on the financial state of the respective programs. Below is a quick take, and we...
Analysis of the 2018 Social Security Trustees’ Report
The Trustees for Social Security released their annual report today. As they have for many years, their projections show that the Social Security...
CBO Sees Major Trust Fund Exhaustions On The Horizon
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that three major trust funds will deplete their reserves within the next ten years, with a fourth exhausting...
Does the President's Budget Slash Social Security and Medicare?
Several lawmakers have claimed that President Trump's latest budget would " slash," " gut," and " devastate" Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid...
Are Today's Seniors Facing a "Retirement Crisis?" Not Really
Numerous headlines have claimed that we are facing a “retirement crisis,” and that most Americans are not saving enough to maintain their standard of...
Social Security's 82nd Birthday
Today, the Social Security program turns 82 years old. Social Security helps millions of Americans, and the program has a lot to celebrate. But the...