Welcome to our blog – The Bottom Line, where you’ll find up-to-date commentary and analysis on the most important news in the fiscal world. Below is a list of our blog posts.

CBO Estimates House Health Care Bill
July 18 - Yesterday, the CBO released preliminary cost estimates for the House Tri-Committee health care reform bill. According to the CBO, the bill...

NEC Director Summers at Peterson Institute
July 17 - President Obama's chief economic adviser Lawrence Summers spoke today to the Peterson Institute for International Economics on "Rescuing and...

Administration Urges Creation of Independent Medicare Advisory Council to Help Control Costs
July 17 - Today OMB Director Orszag urged Speaker Pelosi to support a Base Realignment And Closure-like (BRAC) process for reviewing Medicare changes...

Cross Currents in the Economy and Financial System
July 16 - Cross currents in the U.S. economy are particularly evident today and illustrate why it is so difficult to figure out where the economy is...

Costs and Offsets in the House Tri-Committee Health Care Reform Plan
July 14 - Earlier today, House Democrats released a draft of the America's Affordable Health Choices Act , along with a series of summary documents...

Blue Chip Consensus: Weak Recovery Underway
July 12 - Recent consumer confidence, spending and labor market data have raised questions about whether the economy is losing momentum, and these...

Stimulus shows up in consumer spending
June 26 - Can we measure the effects of the economic stimulus legislation? We are just starting to see effects show up in U.S. economic data. The...

Fed Modifies Crisis Liquidity Facilities
The Fed announced today that it would extend and modify many of its liquidity programs.

Financial Sector Overhaul Plan
June 17 - Today the White House released its plan to overhaul the financial sector. If adopted, will the proposals prevent another financial crisis...

The President's Health Care Offsets
June 13 - In this morning's weekly radio address, President Obama again made the case for health care reform, arguing that it is "essential to...

Who's Going to Buy Our Debt Now?
June 10 - It seems like a no-brainer that the US should start planning how it will get its fiscal house in order when economic and financial recovery...

Understanding the President’s PAYGO Proposal
Yesterday, President Obama announced his support for enacting statutory pay-as-you-go (PAYGO). Under the President's proposal, OMB would maintain a...