Tax Gap
How Big is the Tax Gap?
The Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on September 12 on tax avoidance and how it relates to the upcoming debate on extending the expiring...
CBO Says IRS Cuts Would Be Costly
Rescinding $20 billion of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) funding would ultimately add over $30 billion to the deficit, including $24 billion through...
CBO: Israel Supplemental Costs $27 billion
The House of Representatives is set to vote on the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act as early as Thursday. This morning, the...
House Supplemental Should Find Real Offsets
Today, the House of Representatives released draft legislation to provide emergency funding related to the conflict in Israel and Gaza. The $14.3...
IRS Estimates a $625 Billion Tax Gap
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released a new analysis of the “ tax gap” – the difference between taxes owed to the federal government...
IRS Rescission Would Worsen Deficits
Rescinding $25 billion of IRS funding would result in the loss of $49 billion in revenue and increase deficits by $24 billion over ten years...
Breaking Down the Proposals in the President's FY 2024 Budget
The FY 2024 President’s budget includes policy changes that it estimates would reduce budget deficits by $3 trillion over a decade, the net effect of...
IRS Funding Repeal Could Cost Over $100 Billion, Encourage Tax Cheating
1/9 Update: CBO released a score of the bill, incorporated below. The House is likely to vote today on a bill that would rescind roughly $70 billion...
IRS Releases Updated Tax Gap Analysis
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released an updated analysis of the “ tax gap” – the difference between taxes owed to the federal...
CBO Scores IRA with $238 Billion of Deficit Reduction
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) just released a final score of the Inflation Reduction Act, finding it would reduce deficits by $238 billion...
The Inflation Reduction Act Would Reduce the Tax Gap
Of the $790 billion of savings and offsets in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) , about $125 billion would come from improving tax compliance...
What's In the Inflation Reduction Act?
Update (9/7/2022): The Congressional Budget Office has released an official score of the final version of the Inflation Reduction Act, finding it will...