First Annual Better Budget Process Summit

Rebuilding Confidence in Congress:
Breaking Through on Budget Reform
Monday, February 26, 2018
Registration begins at 12:00 pm
Lunch and event 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Washington Court Hotel, Atrium Room
525 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
Maya MacGuineas, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
Robert Fersh, Convergence Center for Policy Resolution (Introductory remarks)
Susan Willie, Convergence Center for Policy Resolution (Moderator)
Neil Bradley, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Emily Holubowich, Coalition for Health Funding
Matthew Owens, Association of American Universities
- Peter Cohn, Congressional Quarterly (Moderator)
- Stuart Butler, Brookings Institution
- Frances Lee, University of Maryland
- Steve Redburn, George Washington University
- Senator Perdue (R-GA), Senate Budget Committee
- Senator Whitehouse (D-RI), Senate Budget Committee
With Congressional approval stuck at just above single digits, reforming the way we budget and set national priorities in an effective and timely way can serve as a critically important step in regaining public trust in the Congress and American democracy.
This first annual Better Budget Process Summit will bring together Members of Congress, Congressional staff, policy experts, members of the media, and others who share a common concern about our deteriorated state of affairs and the need to work together to restore a functioning budget process. We expect this event to be timely given that the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 established the Joint Select Committee on Budget and Appropriations Process Reform. The committee has the mission of developing legislation to reform the budget process and will be comprised of 16 members of Congress.
This year’s summit will feature an innovative set of proposals for budget process reform resulting from a yearlong dialogue organized by Convergence Center for Policy Resolution. Devised by seasoned representatives from some of Washington’s most established interest groups along with budget policy experts, these recommendations will offer a strategic, longer-term framework for passing a budget on a more predictable schedule. While these groups hold different positions and priorities for federal spending, they are supporting reforms that they believe address the failings of the current budget process and could lead to better outcomes for Congress, their constituents, and the country.
The summit will also feature remarks by the leading budget reform experts, political scientists, and Members of Congress listed above who will discuss different reform ideas gaining traction and how best to move them forward.
Better Budget Process Initiative
Event materials:
- Event Agenda
- Playing by the (Budget) Rules: Understanding and Prevent Budget Gimmicks
- Convergence Center for Policy Resolution Summary of the Proposals
- Convergence Building a Better Budget Process Final Report
- Statement from Convergence President Robert Fersh
- Better Budget Process Initiative's Budget Process Reform Options
- A Long-Term Budget for Entitlements and Required Revenues
- Portfolio Budgeting: How a New Approach to the Budget Could Yield Better Decisions
- Lessons from Successful Budget Reforms
- Budget Summit to Spur Action on Reform