The Thrill of Victory…the Agony of Deficits

Congress may be dropping the budget ball, but CRFB doesn’t intend to – literally. We will be participating in the 2nd Annual Budgetball on the Mall tomorrow.

Budgetball was created to get Americans to combine physical and fiscal fitness. It is a fun and unique way to get people thinking about the debt and fiscal responsibility. It is fun to play and watch – what other sport has players running around with life preservers, oven mitts and funky hats? Check out for more on the sport and the event.

The sport has been spreading on college campuses across the country. Tomorrow college teams will face off against the “Washington establishment” in a tournament on the National Mall in DC. CRFB will field a team in the pursuit of glory…or at least to help spread the message.

There will also be entertainment and a “Fiscal Fitness Area“ with interactive exhibits, including CRFB’s new “Stabilize the Debt” budget simulator. So come on out, have some fun, and cheer on the CRFB Budget Hawks.