Follow Along with Our @FiscalFactCheck of the #GOPDebate
It's hard to believe that two weeks have already passed by and the next #GOPDebate is upon us. Tonight we will continue to keep the candidates honest by providing live Fiscal FactChecks and follow up on the fourth debate with a full analysis tomorrow.
Since our last debate analysis, we've added a few new Fiscal FactChecks, including:
Tax Loopholes Cost American Taxpayers $1.4 Trillion a Year
The Budget Deal Allows Obama To Borrow Unlimited Amounts
The Budget Deal Takes $150 Billion From Social Security and Spends It Elsewhere
The Average Worker Pays $100,000 in Medicare Taxes and Receives $350,000 in Benefits
You Can’t Make a Dent in the Fiscal Gap by Taxing the Top 1%
Rubio’s Tax Plan Both Helps The Poor the Most and the Rich More Than the Middle Class
The 2015 Budget Act Spends Now and Saves Later
The Budget Can Realistically Be Balanced Without Touching Social Security or Medicare
You can follow along with us tonight on our Twitter pages, @FiscalFactCheck and @BudgetHawks, or in the Twitter feed below:
Tweets by @FiscalFactCheck