CRFB Launches Suite of Budget Games
Today the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget launched Budgeting for the Future, a suite of interactive games related to the federal budget and budget prioritization. We also released a new Ipsos poll with new findings on America’s budgetary preferences.
The five Budgeting for the Future games are meant to inform users about the federal budget and give them an opportunity to share their own knowledge and express their own preferences. The games go beyond questions of deficit and debt to focus on how federal dollars are allocated, with a special emphasis on how the budget falls short in prioritizing younger generations.
Play the games here.
Here are more details:
Budget Personality

After answering a series of questions about your priorities, you can find out your budget personality. Your personality is determined by where you fall on three different scales: generational orientation, fiscal responsibility, and size of government. Where you fall on these three scales determines which of eight possible budget personalities you are.
Boomers vs Zoomers

When it comes to the portion of the federal budget that goes towards people, you might be surprised by how the budget is allocated between generations. This tool first has you guess the current allocation, and then asks you to pick how you think the budget should be allocated. We hope to gather enough information to inform policymakers about the results. In the meantime, check out our nationally-representative poll with Ipsos to find out the public’s preferred allocations. Also included in this game is an explainer that dives deeper into the generational discrepancies embedded in the current federal budget. Check that out here.
Budget IQ

Think you know a lot about the federal budget? Take the quiz to find out how you stack up, and compare your results to others who have played!
Paying the Tab

Politicians love to talk about all the different ways to spend federal dollars, but they don’t always love to talk about where those dollars should come from. This game takes you through a series of prompts to see how you would fund the federal budget, and then compares your results to how the budget is actually funded.
More or Less

Through a series of rapid-fire questions, discover the categories where you want to prioritize more spending in the federal budget and where you think the government should spend less.