Welcome to our blog – The Bottom Line, where you’ll find up-to-date commentary and analysis on the most important news in the fiscal world. Below is a list of our blog posts.
Fannie and Freddie and the Budget
The Obama Administration held a conference yesterday discussing how to fix federal housing programs, with the goal of submitting a comprehensive...
Deloitte: "Red Ink Rising"
Looks like even after 8 months, our Red Ink Rising report is still inspiring a significant amount of discussion. Take for example another fine work...
‘Line’ Items: Ghost Town Edition
Washington Empties Out – With both houses of Congress in recess and the president traveling, Washington feels deserted. The biggest news in DC is...
Happy Birthday Social Security
Social Security turned 75 today! While the program remains vigorous after all these years, it is beginning to show its age. Unlike those that depend...
Bending the Aging Curve
We've spoken a lot about Social Security reform the last few days, in the context of solvency, sustainability, and direct effects on the budget. But...
FOMC to the QE?
With heated public debate and growing uncertainty about the momentum of the economic recovery, all eyes turned to the scheduled meeting of the Federal...
This Year (and a Half) In Stimulus
Yesterday, the House passed the $26 billion bill that would extend increased Medicaid matching to states and education funding to prevent teacher...
A Look at International Pension Reform Efforts
As we think about Social Security reform in the United States, it makes sense to look at what other countries are doing to reform their public pension...
Robert Rubin Joins the Announcement Effect Club
Former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin joined the Announcement Effect Club on " Fareed Zakaria GPS" in an appearance alongside another former Treasury...
Options for Reform
We've talked a lot about the long-term outlook for Social Security (it is insolvent), its impact on the federal budget (it will increase debt held by...
Gates Announces Plan for Defense Spending Cuts
Yesterday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates held a press conference in which he announced sweeping DoD budget cuts. Gates proposed the dismantling of...
CRFB Releases Analysis of Medicare Trustees Report
Today, CRFB released its analysis of the Medicare Trustees’ report on health care cost projections (for an analysis of the Social Security Trustees...